Not this.

All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had. (Acts 4:22)

On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord. (John 20: 19,20)


Last week, Former President of the United States, Donald Trump, announced that he was offering leather bound copies of the Bible and the American Constitution for sale for 60 bucks apiece.  This announcement came the day after he was ordered to comply with a ruling in a civil fraud case, and the announcement included his key messaging of “Make America Great Again”.

I have so much to say.  This is so offensive to me.

I have been appalled that Jesus, my Christ, the faith that I profess and that is so important to me has been co-opted by people with very loud voices; loud voices that profess that Jesus is the antitheses, the opposite of everything that I believe in and that I hold close to my heart.  I am further appalled that this is the lens that the general public views me and our beloved little church with; the lens that says that faith is about power, prestige and control.

The Jesus that I know, the God that I serve, the religion I profess is not this.

I believe in God who offers forgiveness and grace to everyone.  Who welcomes everyone regardless of….well…everything.  Who loves God’s beautiful creation including the whole spectrum of humanity in whatever form they come.  Who expects that materials and goods and ‘stuff’ is meant to be shared so that everyone can have what they need.  Who speaks peace into all situations and absolutely would NOT profit from fear or grabs of power.

I found myself very angrily thinking “Have you read the Bible that you are selling?” Even though I know the answer is no.  Well, may Donald Trump has read parts of it.  The convenient parts.  The parts that confirm his stance.  I think it was theologian Walter Bruggeman that called this “Convenient Literalism”.  Because I know that the parts that smack of Jesus professing socialism seem to be conveniently skipped over.

We have allowed our faith to be formed into something that fits our White Western ideals that life and “worthiness” is tied to power and to materialism.  And to be honest, I have been complicit.  Its far easier to hold on tight to my “stuff” and say things like “I work hard and deserve this” than to share my assets; including my emotional assets such as my abundance of support and love.  Its far easier to passively be non-inclusive of those who aren’t like me than to actively speak peace into situations.  It takes a lot of strength to match other loud bullying voices and say “No, this is NOT who I am and NOT who I believe God to be”.

Its hard because its risky.  In many situations we can risk our own physical safety.  We certainly risk our emotional safety.  But the one thing I learned about bullies when I was a kid is that:

Being a bystander is equally unacceptable.

Being a bystander means that you are tacitly approving of oppressive attitudes and beliefs, and perpetuating the problem.

And if we keep allowing the Donald Trumps of this world to erode the core values of Christianity, then eventually there will be nothing left.

And – I love all of you too much to allow this to happen.

But the good news is, that God loves us too much to allow this to happen too.  I was struck this morning as I was writing this that my deep offense at the Donald Trump bible is, just maybe

Purposeful?  God ordained?  Necessary?

Certainly, it’s a catalyst for me to change.  To change from simply saying that my faith, my religion, my whole reason for being, is NOT like this and a passive, kind of apologetic way, to saying instead:

Jesus, my Saviour is…

Is loving, inclusive, gracious and just.

Jesus, my Saviour actively…

Accompanies me all of the time, whether I recognize God’s presence in my life, and speaks peace into all of my life situations – not power, not prestige, not acquisition.

Jesus my Saviour expects….

That I will work actively to speak justice, mercy and humility (Micah 6:8), to profess love in all situations and with all people (John 3: 16),  to think about goodness, loveliness and praiseworthiness (Philippians 4:8) and show mercy (Luke 10:37) in all situations.

In short, living my faith publicly and intentionally.  As publicly and as intentionally as those who have threatened to steal our Christ from us.

Because what they’re doing not only is NOT WHO WE ARE, its not who Jesus is.  (Was that too many ‘nots’?  I hope you followed what I was trying to say).

Blessings my dear friends.  Stand up and profess with me that you are Loved.

~Rev. Lynne

3 thoughts on “Not this.”

  1. In his first campaign he stroked a bible which he said was his mothers and professed that it was a cherished possession. I was absolutely raging that this person who spewed hate would dare lay claim to a book that has guided Christians for centuries to a life of love and forgiveness. I suppose my anger and revulsion are not exactly forgiving but then again Jesus threw the Pharisees from the temple.


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